
院       系: 食品学院


电子信箱: wanght@dlpu.edu.cn

更新时间: 2024-06-24











       入选辽宁省百千万人才万人层次,大连市科技之星。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、青年项目1项,十四五重点研发计划子任务2项,十三五重点研发计划子任务1项,省市级课题4项;第一/通讯作者发表论文31篇,其中SCI收录30篇(IF大于10为9篇,高被引论文2篇,单篇影响因子最高32.1),EI收录1篇,授权发明专利8件。获国家级教学成果二等奖,辽宁省教学成果一等奖,辽宁省研究生教学成果奖二等奖,辽宁省教学成果三等奖,辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖等,辽宁省第十届辽宁省大学生创新创业年会优秀指导教师、第十四届“挑战杯”辽宁省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师。指导学生获第十四届“挑战杯”辽宁省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖、辽宁省第十届大学生创新创业年会一等奖、辽宁省第十届大学生创新创业年会优秀论文奖、辽宁省普通高等学校本科大学生海洋食品创新大赛一等奖、CULSC 第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛三等奖、CIFST-2022李锦记杯学生创新大赛优秀奖、省优秀硕士论文等。



       1.十三五国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题(2017YFC1600702), 2018-2021;
       2.十四五国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题(2023 YFD2100404), 2023-2027
       3.十四五国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题(2022YFD2100603), 2022-2027



       1. 《现代食品安全学》,副主编


       1. Yuanda Sun, Pengjing Zhang, Yitong Hou, Shasha Cheng, Mingqian Tan, Beiwei Zhu, Haitao Wang, Enhanced stability and antibacterial efficacy of edible oleogels-in-water high internal phase emulsions prepared from soybean lipophilic protein, Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 154, 110058
       2. Zhang, Y., H.T. Wang, Y.T. Hou, J. Song, W.B. Shang, P.J. Zhang, S. Hou, and M.Q. Tan, Pickering emulsion stabilized by gliadin nanoparticles for astaxanthin delivery. Journal of Food Engineering, 2023. 345.
       3. Wang, H.T., H.L. Li, Y.T. Hou, P.J. Zhang, and M.Q. Tan, Plant polysaccharides: sources, structures, and antidiabetic effects. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2023. 51.
       4. Song, J., Y.D. Sun, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Preparation of high internal phase Pickering emulsion by centrifugation for 3D printing and astaxanthin delivery. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023. 142.
       5. Song, J., H.L. Li, W.B. Shang, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Fabrication and characterization of Pickering emulsion gels stabilized by gliadin/starch complex for the delivery of astaxanthin. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023. 137.
       6. Shang, W.B., Y.D. Sun, J. Song, P.J. Zhang, Y.T. Hou, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Novel high internal phase oleogels-in-water pickering emulsions stabilized solely by whey protein isolate for 3D printing and fucoxanthin delivery. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023. 140.
       7. Li, H.L., H.J. Yu, W.T. Su, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Tuning the Microstructures of Electrospray Multicore Alginate Microspheres for the Enhanced Delivery of Astaxanthin. Acs Omega, 2023. 8(44): 41537-41547.
       8. Hou, Y., Y. Sun, P. Zhang, H. Wang, and M. Tan, Development and characterization of emulsion gels prepared via gliadin-based colloidal particles and gellan gum with tunable rheological properties for 3D printed dysphagia diet. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2023. 253: 126839-126839.
       9. Zhang, Y., S.Y. Xiang, H.J. Yu, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Fabrication and characterization of superior stable Pickering emulsions stabilized by propylene glycol alginate gliadin nanoparticles. Food & Function, 2022. 13(4): 2172-2183.
       10. Yu, H.J., H.T. Wang, W.T. Su, Y.K. Song, A.A. Zaky, A.M. Abd El-Aty, and M.Q. Tan, Co-delivery of hydrophobic astaxanthin and hydrophilic phycocyanin by a pH-sensitive water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion-filled gellan gum hydrogel. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022. 131
       11. Zhang, L.J., X.K. Na, B. Lai, Y.K. Song, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Effects of fluorescent carbon dots from the baked lamb on energy and lipid metabolism. Food Chemistry, 2021. 338.
       12. Qi, Z.H., Q.H. Wang, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Metallothionein Attenuated Arsenic-Induced Cytotoxicity: The Underlying Mechanism Reflected by Metabolomics and Lipidomics. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021. 69(18): 5372-5380.
       13. Cao, L., J.Q. Li, Y.K. Song, S. Cong, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Molecular interaction of fluorescent carbon dots from mature vinegar with human hemoglobin: Insights from spectroscopy, thermodynamics and AFM. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021. 167: 415-422.
       14. Wang, H., W. Su, and M. Tan, Endogenous Fluorescence Carbon Dots Derived from Food Items. Innovation (Cambridge (Mass.)), 2020. 1(1): p. 100009-100009.
       15. Qi, Z.H., Q.H. Wang, S. Song, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Enhanced Cytotoxicity of Cadmium by a Sulfated Polysaccharide from Abalone. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020. 68(50): 14996-15004.
       16. Na, X.K., L.J. Zhang, H.T. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Adverse effect assessment of fluorescent carbon dots in cigarette smoke. Nanoimpact, 2020. 19
       17. Chen, T., H.T. Wang, Z.P. Wang, and M.Q. Tan, Construction of Time-Resolved Luminescence Nanoprobe and Its Application in As(III) Detection. Nanomaterials, 2020. 10(3).
       18. Wang, H.T., Y.S. Xie, X.K. Na, J.R. Bi, S. Liu, L.J. Zhang, and M.Q. Tan, Fluorescent carbon dots in baked lamb: Formation, cytotoxicity and scavenging capability to free radicals. Food Chemistry, 2019. 286: 405-412.
       19. Wang, H.T., X.K. Na, S. Liu, H.F. Liu, L.J. Zhang, M.Z. Xie, Z.C. Jiang, F. Han, Y. Li, S.S. Cheng, and M.Q. Tan, A novel "turn-on" fluorometric and magnetic bi-functional strategy for ascorbic acid sensing and in vivo imaging via carbon dots-MnO2 nanosheet nanoprobe. Talanta, 2019. 201: 388-396.
       20. Wang, H.T., S. Liu, Y.K. Song, B.W. Zhu, and M.Q. Tan, Universal existence of fluorescent carbon dots in beer and assessment of their potential toxicity. Nanotoxicology, 2019. 13(2): 160-173.
       21. Ran, W., H. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Qi, Q. Xiang, C. Yao, Y. Zhang, and X. Lan, Storage of starch and lipids in microalgae: Biosynthesis and manipulation by nutrients. Bioresource Technology, 2019. 291.



